niacin benefits

What Are The Niacin Benefits ?

نعمة النيرب June 07, 2022

What are the niacin benefits ? Niacin benefits , niacin named as vitamin B3, is one of the most important nutrients. It helps all parts of the body to function properly. One of the niacin bene…

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vitamin K foods

What are Vitamin K foods?

نعمة النيرب May 31, 2022

What are Vitamin K foods? Vitamin K plays a very important role in blood clotting, known as coagulation. The blood clot helps prevent excessive bleeding from inside and outside the body. The body n…

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black hole

F World , What is a black hole ?

نعمة النيرب May 25, 2022

A black hole is an opening in space from which gravity pulls so much that no light escapes from it. Gravity is very strong because the material has been compressed into little space. This happens whe…

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fat people

How do fat people feel and what are the causes of obesity

نعمة النيرب April 30, 2022

How do  fat people feel and what are the causes of obesity Excess weightand obesity is an abnormal and massive accumulation of fat people, and it is harmful to health and causes diseases to the body…

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benefits of fasting

The benefits of fasting in general and on human health

نعمة النيرب April 24, 2022

The benefits of fasting in general and on human health The benefits of fasting have spread recently due to its health benefits. However, fasting has been a custom for centuries, and is prevalent in m…

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